Smart HRMS
GSOT Group Smart Presence Solution
Smart Attendance Solution is a very important module in SmartHRMS human resource management system developed by GSOT.
The solution applies many modern technologies in today's world, such as: AI, Bigdata, Blockchain,...
The solution is flexible and convenient for users, tailored to the real needs of each company or organization.
Smart Timing:
- Service using artificial intelligence (AI) technology in facial recognition
- Support even when traveling Fortune Tiger abroad
- Support even if the Internet connection is lost
- Create and change punctuality
- Monthly report
- Approval of monthly spreadsheet (Digital signature application - as per customer request)
- Timing management
Request management:
- External management
- License registration
- Navigate the app through various processes
- Automatically locate work destinations
- Assistance at the point of work
- Approve requests directly in the mobile app or email
Employee information management
- Rights group management
- Decentralization according to action
- Decentralization according to the employee's account
- Presence zone
- Automatic spreadsheet
- Report for coming home late
- timing reminder
Fortune Tiger