Fund new creative ideas and bring them to life. Support projects and receive rewards.
Kickstarter backers are passionate, creative visionaries who find joy and connection in funding new ideas and bringing them to fruition. Discover projects in categories like art, design, film, games, hardware, and music, then commit to your favorites right from the app. Make the world a more creative and innovative place while earning incredible (and often exclusive) rewards.
Creators can use the app to track their own projects on the go, as well as stay in touch with their backers.
With the Kickstarter app you can:
• Join like-minded sponsors to help turn new ideas into reality.
• Stay connected with updates on projects you've supported.
• Save your BlackJack Rummy favorites and receive reminders before projects are due.
Project creators can stay up to date from anywhere:
• Easily track the progress of your financing.
• Track comments and promises.
• Post updates and respond to supporter messages.
Rocket League