Loopy Wizard – Download game for iOS

date 2024-05-15 browse 53

Fortune OX1.8955 20.5574M11.8955 20.5574L8.15465 20.819M11.8955 20.5574L15.6364 20.2958M11.8955 20.5574L12.1571 24.2983" stroke="#0E0C10" stroke-width="3.75" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">Game overviewControl a wizard, use various spells, beat monsters, and find the mysterious tablets. An exciting puzzle game!

Game description generated withAI

Take control of a wizard and display your spellbinding skills. Will you be able to outwit the ferocious monsters and reach the finish line?Different Incantations There is an array of magical spells at your disposal, such as Injure, Cure, Lull, Toxic, Electrocute and several others. Cast spells on hostile creatures, or use them on yourself if the need arises! There are other spells like Replicate (play with many wizards at once!), Burst, Convert (enslave the monsters to your command!), transform and so forth.Enchanted TimepieceThese spells are lodged onto the Enchanted Timepiece. After each move, the timepiece's hand rotates and you must unleash the spell it indicates. The spells are permanently affixed to the timepiecFortune Tiger e. If you want to remove a spell, you can drag it from the timepiece directly onto a target. It will trigger once more and then vanish.Magical TabletsOn each stage's fifth floor, you will come across an enigmatic tablet. The tablets bestow you with additional abilities, each of which you can use once per stage.Indulge in this frenzied perplexing game and metamorphose into a "Loopy Wizard"!Show more

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