Rewards for any purchase, anywhere.
Maholla rewards are simple and instant!
Scan receipts from any store. Earn points from every receipt. Redeem points for free airtime, 1Voucher and more! 🎊
Get started in less than 60 seconds and receive 100 points on your first receipt scan!
Earn points faster from partner brandsBlack Jack 777ras 🏎 Haven't seen your favorite brand yet? The list is growing every month!
We are continuously working to make the Maholla app journey better for our user community. This is our initial Beta version, so please send us any comments or issues you may have. We are so excited to bring your ideas to life 🚀
Spaces in our Early Access version are limited! Make sure to join our waitlist if you can't register right away ⏰
Even more voucher options coming soon! 🎟